Memory submitted by Athena Nawar

When did you meet Mickey?

Where did you meet him?

Memory of Mickey
I first was introduced to Mickey as Dr. Nardo when he swept into the classroom of our medical school’s introduction to psychiatry class. Our class had been a mocking, troublesome one and the original instructor had suddenly quit. We sat sullenly and suspiciously. Mickey began to speak in his natural, evocative style and won over a classroom of defensive, hurt students.
Many of us chose to become psychiatrists that day and others gained a better respect for the discipline.

Many years later I was privileged to have Mickey as a teacher in the analytic school and even more blessed to work with him for a couple of years in the same private practice setting. I was able to spend some time just chatting with him on lunch and coffee breaks, gaining tidbits of knowledge and wisdom and sharing some common experiences from work and life. His ability to truly listen was a gift I hold dear.

He will remain a part of my heart and hopefully, of my work.

My warmest thoughts to Sharon, Abby, Caitlin and Christian,